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samedi 3 octobre 2009
dimanche 12 juillet 2009
Aerospace Meetings Tunisie, 28-30 septembre, 2009 Wednesday 28-04-2009
In fact, Aerospace Meetings Tunisia is an International Business Convention aiming to :
* Explore the market and the accompaniment of companies having a strong interest in the Tunisian aeronautical capacities. The event will facilitate the development of the Mediterranean aeronautical sector
* Develop business opportunities and new production and partner networks
* Allow companies to understand and approach a new market by following a concrete and professional methodology.
Aerospace Meetings Tunisia is offering outstanding networking opportunities to manufacturers, tier 1 suppliers, subcontractors, service providers and clusters from around the globe. The event brings together industry professionals and organises customised and pre-planned meetings between Prime Contractors and leading Solution Suppliers. Over two days, suppliers and contractors participate in a dynamic program including :
* Identification and visits of industrial sites
* Customised and pre-planned business meetings with local companies, associations, clusters and institutions involved in the aerospace industries
* Conferences & Thematic Sessions / Technology & Product Workshops
* Business meetings with companies already established in Tunisia.
Aerospace Meetings Tunisia provides a remarkable opportunity to identify new partners and business contacts and better apprehend the future.
For further details you can contact:
Tel: +33 (0) 1 41 86 41 67
samedi 11 juillet 2009
La Tunisie, 4ème meilleur pays dans le monde par rapport aux Opportunités d'investissement dans l'immobilier
Que vous soyez investisseur ou homme d'affaires, vous savez parfaitement valoriser le risque qui né au moment du choix du pays cible pour votre investissement. Récemment, une étude a été réalisée par International Real Estate Investment Gambles pour aider les investisseurs immobiliers à éviter au maximum ce risque.
Cette étude classe les pays par ordre décroissant selon les opportunités d'investissement qu'ils offrent dans le secteur immobilier à long terme. Pour faire partie de cette liste, chaque destination doit avoir une économie en pleine croissance, un environnement d'investissement stable, et représenter un lieu de vacances.
La quatrième position de cet étude est accordée à
Cette croissance se base principalement selon le FMI, sur un renforcement massif du secteur agricole et une croissance stable dans l'industrie de la construction.
Source: letemps
mercredi 8 juillet 2009
18ème édition du Forum ATUGE
A la cité des sciences, avenue de 7 Novembre 02080 Ariana, Tunisie
5 bonnes raisons pour y être !
A comme Avenir : nous vous proposons un thème de réflexion et de débats résolument tourné vers l’avenir « Nouvelle donne mondiale, nouvelles stratégies ». Un humoriste avait dit « l’avenir nous intéresse puisque c’est là que nous passerons les prochaines années de notre vie ».
T comme Tunisie : au programme une conférence, deux tables rondes et trois ateliers thématiques pour traiter les différents aspects du thème général en gardant un focus sur la Tunisie, les tunisiens et l’entreprise tunisienne.
U comme Utile : un nouveau Village ATUGE Entrepreneurs vous permettra d’échanger avec des atugéens entrepreneurs, de nouer des contacts et d’avoir des renseignements. Joignez l’utile à l’agréable !
G comme Groupe : un nouveau Salon Networking vous permettra de faire des rencontres, des retrouvailles et d’élargir vos réseaux dans un esprit de groupe renforcé entre les atugéens de Tunis, de Paris, de Londres et d’ailleurs.
E comme Emploi : 35 stands dans un Espace Entreprises dédié au recrutement des compétences et des cadres à haut potentiel. Le Forum ATUGE reste fidèle à sa vocation première de forum de l’emploi.
Source & inscription
Green Ifriqiya - Edition 2009 (Le Kram, from 12 to 14 November 2009)
· Exhibition area
· B2B (business-to-business) space
· Thematic workshops and seminars
· Provide the opportunity to have an access to technologies and international discoveries and environmental and sustainable development field.
· Attract investments in environmental and sustainable development field
· Create an area for meeting for mutual exchange of experience and opportunities between investors, technicians and finance experts in environmental and sustainable development field.
A seminary will be organized by the Union of Arab Banks and will treat: "the financing of investment in environmental and renewable energy by the banking sector” in the presence of 400 banks worldwide.
Carbon forum :
The forum will be organized by “CDM-JI-Initiative «in MENA region in collaboration with Tunisian Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development.
Carbon forum and CDM project exibition
Thematic workshops:
Events organized by the German Technical Cooperation GTZ:
- « Eco-efficiency in the cement industry ».
- « The Traditional materials of Maghreb».
- « Introduction of a standard international quality for CES in Tunisia».
- « Industrial areas management in Africa»: approaches and challenges.
- « North Africa Carbon Forum ».
- « Study of feasibility: « Thermal Central Solar ».
The workshops will be an opportunity to present and discuss investment opportunities for the private sector in the specific environment field (waste water treatment, solid waste management etc…..).
National Institution and Agencies contributing in the workshops:
· The National Sanitation utility "ONAS":"South-south cooperation in the field of sanitation".
· National Agency of Environment Protection "ANPE":"Mechanisms for environmental protection to employment services and sustainable development".
· Coastal Protection and Planning Agency "APAL":"Integrated management of coastal areas".
· Tunis International Center for Environmental Technologies "CITET":"Environmental upgrade and competitiveness of the company"
· The National Agency for Energy Conservation "ANME":"incentives in the energy conservation and renewable energies".
· National Waste Management Agency "ANGED":"Valorization of waste".
· Bank of Gene "BG ": "Conservation, management and protection of indigenous genetic resources".
Targeted environmental sectors/activities
· Waste water treatment and reuse.
· Collect and treatment of waste.
· Treating and eliminating dangerous and special waste.
· Other preventive anti-pollution activities.
· Energy efficiency.
· Renewable energies.
· Water management and saving.
· Protection and preservation of natural resources.
· Eco tourism.
· Geomatic.
· Horticulture and tree nursery.
· Creation and maintenance of green areas.
· Analyses, tests and technical control.
· Environmental information and communication.
· Other environmental industries.
· Research and innovation.
· Struggling against desertification.
· Adequate development mechanisms.
· Management of hospital wastes.
· Valorization of wastes.
· Coastal Protection and Planning.
· Management of electric, electronic, and electmechanical wastes.
First Edition 2007
The first international environmental investment Forum was organized from 9 to 11 November 2009 in the International Exhibition Ground of Tunis.
The main objectives of this Forum were to promote and develop partnerships and business activities in environmental and sustainable development sector.
The event has created a new environmental businesses forum sheltering environmental technologies and services exhibition, a green business market (space of business to business meetings “B-to-B”), within about 200 business appointments. The participants were representatives of 16 countries: Italy, France, Germany, Finland, Austria, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Algeria, Morocco, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Senegal, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Saudi Arabia Kingdom, and Tunisia have taken part to this forum.
’SIAMAP 2009’’, the International Show of Agriculture, Agricultural Mechanization and Fishing. Date : 18th to 22th November 2009
Place : Exhibition Park of Kram, Tunisia
Date : 18th to 22th November 2009
Professional days : 18th, 19th November 2009
Public days : 20th, 21th, 22th November 2009
Schedule : From 9:30 am to 7:00 pm
Periodicity : Biennal / odd years
Exhibition net area : 15 000 m2
Hall : 1, 2 , 3
Number of exhibitors : 400
Animals exhibition area : Bovine, poultry, caprine, sheep,equid, camel, ostrich…
2 500 m2 dedicated to high standart selected animals.
Auctions, animal exhibitions, competitions, awards
granted by International Jury.
Pet exhibition
Exhibitions sectors
Equipments & Agricultural Products
Agricultural tractors
Combine harvesters
Irrigation equipments
Agricultural equipments
Seeds & plants
Fertilizers & seedlings
Phytosanitary products
Biological products
Food processing
Transportation & handling equipments
Breeding and breeding products
Animal health
Milk storage and refrigeration
Veterinary products
Services (banks, insurances, carriage...)
Specialized magazines
Equipments & Fishing Products
Maritime engines
Maritime Hardware
Electrical generators
Fishing equipments
Maritime Hydraulic
Maritime pumps
Navigation equipments & electronic equipments
Security equipments
Refrigeration & freezing of sea products
Conditioning and treatment of sea products
Interprofessional groups
Specialized magazines
dimanche 7 juin 2009
TEXMED TUNISIA 2009; 10, 11, 12 June.
With a new exhibition concept as to brings a more customised offer and a quality answer for sourcing and a Near Shoring solution, Fast Fashion and Co-Competitively.
The TEXMED 2009 offers the opportunity to benefit 24h in one place from a B2B international platform representing more than 25 countries (Tunisia, France, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Portugal, Jordan, UK, Belgium, Germany, Egypt, Turkey ...) and to participate in different activities, ( Morning sessions by country) and workshops.
To register